Wednesday 21 August 2024

Recipe for Blanc Mange .

Blanc Mange is like a pudding made from very fine flours . It is general in constituency and used as a line of defense against starvation . Many other foods can be added to it to help with nutrition .

Ingredients :    Corn flour or rice flour or flours which have been very finely ground .


                         salt . Less salt if you are trying to reduce the amount of salt used in your' diet .

                         Any other flavourings which are required or desired 





Method :            Mix the flours with the salt . Add the water and the other flavourings . Put in to a bowl

                           and steam until semi-firm . Or put the mixture in a pot and cook over a medium heat

                           until the flours have been cooked .


                            Eat while warm or cool or cold . 

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The spellings of some common foods and meats and fleshes : 102 . More revised 21-August-2024 .

Chicken : CHICKEN : Chicken His Idea Concerning Killing Everything New . Child Having Ideas Concerning Kernels Eaten Now . ( Chiabata recipe ) .

Lamb : LAMB : Let Arse Move Bowels . Laurel Apple Meat Beef . Let All Men Be

Pork : PORK : Poor Othello Re Kindled . Poor Only Require Kindness . Porcino Onion Rosemary Kale . People Originally Really Killed . Pork Originates Really Kindly . Pigs Only Require Kindness . Peach On Real Tree ( The K in pork is a corrupted writting of the T when hand written sometimes . ) . Patience Originates Real Kindness . Patients Only Require Kindness . Porcino Oyster Radish Kale . Porcino Oyster Rice Kale .

POWRK : Porcino Onion Wheat Rosemary Kale .

PORC : Pork Only Requires Cooking

Beef : BEEF : Bovine Enteric Efficient Fungus . Before Eating Eat Food . Best Eating Efficient Food . Before Eaten Efficient Food . Because Everything Ends Fine . Be Efficient Eating Food . Be Evil Eating Food . Bay laurel Eggplant Egg Fungus ( Mushrooms and such ) . Boring Earth Eating Friends . Bovine Emulating Edible Fungus . Bovine Emulating Enteric Fungus

Egg : EGG : Excellent Geometric Goodness . Excellent Geometric Goo

Ham : HAM : His All Mighty . Herbs Are Medicine . Herbs And Medicine 

Bacon : BACON : Bacon And Cheese ? Oh No !

As can be seen by these spellings ; meat in an industrialized developed country involves eating SHIT : Something Happenning In Time . And it depends on the spellings you take as your' word , what you are eating .

Book of John 1:1 ; In the begginning was the word .... and it was through the word that all things were created .

Saturday 2 March 2024

Vegans might need : ( Updated 16-3-2024 )

Vegans might need honey , perna ( Muscles from seafood ) , Fruits from the sea ( Clams , Oysters , Shell fish ) , Seaweed , Smoking , nuts , fruits ( especially tropical fruit ) , oils , water ( spring water or " wat ever " ) , chocolate , coffee , herbs , beans , soy bean drink , vegan tofus of various variety , Beer , Berroca (TM) , wine , sauerkraut , Kim-Chi , Vegan roast pork , Vegan sausages , et ce tera , etc.

Friday 1 March 2024

Psychological effects of eating meat and other things : ( revised and updated on 13/03/2024 )

People whom eat become confused . Confused with and mixed with what they are eating . You absorb the spirit and water of the thing you are eating .

You are what you eat .

Jesus said " What food that goes in through the mouth does not harm a man , it is what comes from the heart that defiles . "

Believe what you want to believe . These are the varying points of view .

Chicken from VEGAN stores and sources is not animal meat .

Thursday 29 February 2024

The spellings of some common meats : ( Revised and updated 13/03/2024 )

Chicken : CHICKEN : Chicken His Idea Concerning Killing Everything New : Chiabatta ( a type of bread ) , gluten .

Lamb : LAMB : Let Arse Move Bowels : Laurel Apple Meat Beef

Pork : PORK : Poor Othello Re Kindled : Poor Only Require Killing : Porcino Onion Rosemary Kale : People Originally Really Killed : Pork Originates Really Kindly : Pigs Only Require Kindness : Peach On Real Tree ( The K in pork is a corrupted writting of the T when hand written sometimes . )

Beef : BEEF : Bovine Enteric Efficient Fungus : Before Eating Eat Food : Best Eating Efficient Food : Before Eaten Efficient Food : Because Everything Ends Fine : Be Efficient Eating Food : Be Evil Eating Food : Bay laurel Eggplant Egg Fungus ( Mushrooms and such )

Egg : EGG : Excellent Geometric Goodness : Excellent Geometric Goo

Ham : HAM : His All Mighty : Herbs Are Medicine : Herbs And Medicine

As can be seen by these spellings ; meat in an industrialized developed country involves eating SHIT : Something Happenning In Time . And it depends on the spellings you take as your' word , what you are eating .

Book of John 1:1 ; In the begginning was the word .... and it was through the word that all things were created .

Monday 19 February 2024

There is no such thing as absolute VEGAN or MEAT EATER , 101 :

There is no such thing as absolute human Vegan . There is veganner and less vegan . We all eat fruit and vegetables , some eat more some eat less . 

There is no such thing as absoluteley vegan diet because there is no definite borderline between categories of foods that are absolutely vegetable or fruit .

We were never meant to eat flesh or meat .

Monday 12 February 2024

The essence of equality and unanimity of the Living , 101 .

The essence of equality is that no one has the right to get rich off someone else's life , work or sufferring .