Tuesday, 31 October 2017

If your teeth become not-as white

Being fruitarian you should have no problems with your teeth or any other part of health.
If your teeth become off colour from being Vegan then it could be the leafy/herby material poisoning you.
Also bruising your teeth from brushing too hard or too regularly could contribute to this problem. Brush your gums before gently rubbing your teeth with your fingers.
"Medication" could be poisoning you. Bacteria from guilt could be poisoning you.
These are only suggestions. You should deal with these problems in your own personal way and find the solution that is correct for you. What you do and what/who you eat is your choice.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Fruitarianism and Aquaterianism

My theory is based on the Book of Genesis, the first Book of the Bible. Here it begins with a quote: "He took clay and formed it in His own Image. He breathed the Breath of Life into its' nostrils and from then on the clay became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there He put the man whom He had formed. Out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the three of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Book of Genesis 1.2.7.

Fruit was our originally intended food. It was made for us, it is the best food we can eat.
Theory: Fruit is all we need to eat.

I thought about being Aquaterian today but I am not sure yet.

Good luck with your eating adventures.


This African word is defined as the bloated condition some people get when they do not eat animal protein.
What is happening is that the animal part of the human body is being rejected and is concentrating in the gut. There the non-human animals are being reformed. They are still alive in you. Live animals or smaller versions such as baby animals, which ever you ate, will be formed.
You need to wait and when they are ready they will expel themselves from your mouth or anus.
Do not be alarmed. This the natural process of being fully Vegan. Open the door and let the animals out. You may like to keep them as pets.

Friday, 27 October 2017

At the Middle Eastern rotisserie

At the Middle Eastern kebab shop you can also get Vege Kebab. It has fruit and veg in it and also falafel and humus. It is very good.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

When you feel like eating meat

When you feel like you need a bit of meat/flesh then just stop and start thinking about fruit. What particular variety of fruit you truly want to eat at that moment. Fruit is a very good cure for the lust for meat.
Often you can get good ripe fruit from a can/tin. These are a good alternative to fresh. If you get fresh fruit then make sure it is ripe. Never get unripe fruit; it is toxic.
I like rambutans, jackfruit, lychees, olives etc.

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Oral health and hygeine

Some times I use Vicco Vajradanti - Ayurvedic Medicine for Gums and Teeth. It is a Natural, Economical, Vegan product sold in Indian stores.
The packet says "Vicco Vajradanti Ayurvedic paste is used in hardening of gums and teeth, cleansing and healing of wounds, tooth caries and inflammation of gums. It is also used on tooth-ache and in the treatment of disorders of gums & teeth like tooth decay, pyorrhea, swollen gums, bleeding gums and other periodontal disorders."
It has a cinnamon-nutmeg-like taste.

I recommend Vicco if oral odour is an issue.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

If you become bloated or fat from being Vegan

If you become bloated from being Vegan then you are doing something not Vegan. Either hidden meat extract, yeast extract, hidden milk extract or chemicals in processed foods eg. "Vegetarian sausages" are causing intestinal upset. Be careful with Vegan "meats" or "cheese".

If you become fat from being Vegan then you are eating too much. Fruits and veges have a very good nutritional content. You should never feel the need to eat except out of need for flavour, texture or temperature stimulation / regulation. We eat to moderate these feelings because they are necessary for mental or physiological health. For example when we are over heated we consume cold foods and expel warm urine or feces or sweat or moisture in our breath.
Use drinks or snacks to help with these feelings. Eat when you feel truly hungry.
Be careful to not eat a meal out of habit or routine.

Vegans should avoid yeast

When yeast was discovered in Ancient Egypt they did not know where it came from. The story of the discovery goes: When they left fruit in bowls in a warm place the fruit would ferment and produce a liquid. The Egyptians liked this product and studied it. The liquid was sweet smelling, tangy, sour, sweet, carbonated and bitter from the alcohol.
When the yeast from this source was mixed with flour and water and baked it produced a leavened bread.

However, my theory is that yeast is part animal and part plant. It may grow as part of the animal part of plants or the "nerves" of the plant. Or perhaps it may have animal origins. It could be that yeast are the simple nerves cells of animals. For instance; the brain uses the most oxygen in the body, therefor it produces carbon dioxide. The brain has nerve cells and glia cells. The glia are less differentiated and were thought to be the supporting structural cells.

Yeast may have psychological effects on people.
Animals, especially birds, avoid yeast.

People who are sensitive to being "doped" should very much avoid yeast.

And finally a word from Jesus Christ: "Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees."

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Modification of the Vegan toothpaste is possible

A worthwhile modification of the Vegan toothpaste recipe is to put some vegetable oil with the peppermint oil and baking powder. This helps remove tobacco stains on the back of your teeth.