Thursday, 8 February 2018

Latest update: the addresses of some of my other blogs.

Safety advice about smoking can be found at this address:

Vegan tips can be found at this address:

Notes on worldly things can be found at this address:

Tips for the heat in Summer can be found at:

Thoughts about government can be found at:

Notices about upcoming free flics/films can be found at:

Poems from the Heart may be found at:

The Church may be found at

Please enjoy and be elucidate.

All of the work or play I have ever done is offered under the GNU Peace License. This is the GNU License with the provision that all works/play may only be used for peaceful outcomes/consequences.

The addresses of some of my other blogs, updated.

Safety advice about smoking can be found at this address:

Vegan tips can be found at this address:

Notes on worldly things can be found at this address:

Tips for the heat in Summer can be found at:

Thoughts about government can be found at:

Notices about upcoming free flics/films can be found at:

Poems from the Heart may be found at:

Please enjoy and be elucidate.

All of the work or play I have ever done is offered under the GNU Peace License. This is the GNU License with the provision that all works/play may only be used for peaceful outcomes/consequences.

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Do not put fruit in the fridge

Putting fruit in the fridge takes away some of its' perfume and goodness. This is especially true for stone fruits and peppers. Fresh is best. Buy enough to eat and eat it. Do not store it for ages away in the fridge.

Happy Fruits.

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Dietary lessons from the Bible

Summary from the Books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy:

You may not eat any animal which does not divide the hoof. You may not eat any animal killed in strangulation. You may not eat meat with the blood in it or blood, which is the life. You may not eat the Hoopoe, Eagle, Vulture, Osprey, Buzzard, Kite, Raven, Ostrich, Nighthawk, Seagull, Hawk, Owl, Cormorant, Waterhen, Stork, Heron and Bat.
Of the waters you may not eat anything which does not have fins or scales.
Of the land you may not eat the Camel, Rock Badger, Hare, Pig, Weasel, Mouse, Lizard, Chameleon, Crocodile, Gecko.
Of the winged insects you may eat those that have jointed legs above the feet with which to leap. Of these you may eat; the locust, cricket, grasshopper and cockroach.

Remember: We are living souls with a clay body. Clay consists of minerals, water, salt and organic matter. Organic matter is plant and animal remains.

Monday, 29 January 2018

If you have problems being Vegan

If you have health problems I suggest going off Vegan for six months and then if you are ready then returning to Vegan.

Remember : Honey is good for Vegans.

Sunday, 28 January 2018

Hemp : the saviour of Vegans

Hemp is a relative of Cannabis Sativa. It is a non-psychoactive plant. The fibre of the hemp plant is very useful for cloth, rope and paper products. The seed is very nutritious. If you eat the seed and fruit of the hemp plant you may become a successful Vegan.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Chinese Potato Galettes

Galette Potato is thinly sliced potato.

For this recipe you will need:

One or two fry pans
two Potatoes
a packet of seasoning from a bag of instant noodles
lids for the fry pans

Method to the madness:

Thinly slice Potato. Put two teaspoons of oil in pan. Put a slice of Potato down and sprinkle a very small amount of seasoning on it. Place another slice of Potato on to the first slice but leaving an offset so that the second slice does touch the pan on one quarter of its' side. Continue layering the Potato slices until the pan has been covered. Put on very low heat and cover with a lid. The dish is ready when the potato is cooked and golden on the bottom.


Sunday, 14 January 2018

A vital tip

Do not eat or overload yourself with too much of the same food. You will(?) get sick.
Variety in fruits is the best.

Enjoy fruitarianism.

Remember wheat grain is also a fruit, the fruit of the grass plant.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Remember what you are is what you eat

This old saying is tried and tested and true. What you eat is what you are. Anything you take in to your self becomes a part of you, growing, living as you. If you eat flesh from animals you become part animal. This is testified by looking at people with a history of eating meat. They become deformed in to creature features.
If you eat yeast the yeast grows in side you. Yeast is a single celled part animal/part plant.
No matter now charcoal roasted you cook the flesh the living spirit of the flesh is still alive.
The pulp of the fruit and not the seeds is food for the growing seedling. It still has spirit but its' spirit is not to grow but to nourish. So it is nourishment. The seed has germative spirit in it. It is not food. It wishes to grow in to a new tree. You become deformed in to a tree if you eat the seeds.

Happy fruitarianism.

Fruitarian eating

Eat the fruit but not the seed. The fruit is the offering of the tree but the seed is for the generation of the next crop. The seed is not good for food. It dehydrates and is poisonous.

Happy fruitarianism and good eating.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Fruitarian gardening

God planted a garden in the East and He named it Eden (Gen 2:8).

When growing from seed; it is best done in high seed raising pots or any large pot with cultivated soil. This allows the seedling to thrive without weeds or snails.
Cultivate the seedling mix by putting scrapes of plant matter down then putting some earth over, leaving for a few months and then turning the soil over. In another pot put scrapes down and then put the soil in to this pot. The soil you nourished is then ready.

Keep the seeds watered daily with natural rain fall or with reserved rain water. Rain water is different to tap water. Tap water kills seeds and seedlings. It has chemicals in it. Also distill tap water before drinking it. This is best done by boiling. Let it cool then put it in the fridge.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The Beatitudes. Mathew 5:3 also Luke 6:20

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs' is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful for they will receive mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake  for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in Heaven. For in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.