Wednesday 1 March 2017

Noodles with soup

Noodles are a nice a chewy dish which when combined with the right flavourings make a good meat substitute. This dish can be made very quickly from scratch and can be augmented with any of your favourite ingredients.


Vegan noodles of your choice. Fresh noodles can be put directly in to the soup to cook. Dried noodles may be put in to the soup or may need refreshing before being put in. Fried noodles, which can be bought pre-fried may also be put directly in to the soup to cook.

Massel stock concentrate. In Melbourne some stores stock this Vegan ingredient. It is all vegetable (says on the pack). It comes in three varieties; chicken style, beef style and vegetable style. Use the one of your choice. Be careful because it can be very powerful tasting.
garlic powder
onion powder
spring onion, chopped
Tiangin preserved vegetable. This is the preserved cabbage which needs to be washed and squeezed of excess water.
peanut oil
soy sauce, optional
salt, optional. Please be sure to taste the soup before adding any salt.
MSG, optional
onion chives, chopped
Sesame oil, optional


Bring about two or three cups of water, per serving, to the boil.
Put all the ingredients in, in order, tasting before each addition.
Cook until the noodles are to your taste and serve.

See you next time.